crisis training

Oxford Media and Medicine works with companies concerned about featuring in the news for the wrong reasons. The course is targeted at experienced spokespeople and is 90 per cent practical.

The interactions will be filmed.


Training includes:

  • enactments of hostile confrontations - in the studio, on the door-step, in press conferences and in pre-recorded interviews
  • analysis of the film footage to work out how to do it better
  • techniques to ensure you decide what is said about your company, not the media
  • how to turn a crisis into a chance for your company to shine
  • how to shut-down a story so that the media lose interest

All practice sessions and discussions are highly confidential.

Esther Oxford is a world-class, multi-award winning journalist. She has a fierce and thorough understanding of today's fast-moving, sometimes pernicious news agenda. She'll show you how to get your message across and make sure you're heard. Craig Murray, former British Ambassador